Value of Graduate Certificates for Productivity

Increase your productivity at work with a Graduate Certificate from an Australian university. Grad certs are the shortest uni qualifications.

Lerna Courses and Online Education in Australia

For anyone looking to organise their education and career, Lerna Courses offers valuable guidance. Get help to find the right online program.

Top 5 Uses of Microsoft Excel in the Office

Microsoft Excel is a key part of the Microsoft Office software collection. Here are some of the top 5 uses of Microsoft Excel in the office.

Claim Working from Home Tax Deductions

You can claim tax deductions for expenses while working from home if you do job duties from home, and are not just doing minimal tasks.

How to Be More Productive at Work

Are you one of those people who complain of being too busy. If you act on the following ideas each day, you’ll easily gain 5 hours per week.

How to Have Productive Meetings | Time Management

One of the biggest time wasters of all is an unnecessary or poorly run meeting. If you want to dramatically improve your time management skills, learn how to have productive meetings. An Example of Bad Meeting Habits Karen is the … Read More

Diploma of Business Administration Courses

By studying online for a business administration diploma, you learn organisational skills that can be applied in any office environment. An online Diploma of Business Administration course is useful for all office workers. Administration tasks are broad ranging, from filing … Read More

Wrap Up on Year | Personal Stocktake

This is it. The end of another year. For some of you, the next few days will either be frantic or quiet, depending on the business you are in. I hope those of you who are quiet are spending your … Read More

Online Office Purchases

Online shopping has made the world a far smaller place, including when buying diverse products such as office supplies. It is easy to find (and buy) everything you want online. You can generally fill your complete office supply order from 1 or 2 … Read More

How to Set Up a Virtual Office

A virtual office provides a business with services that were previously available by setting up an actual physical office. The advent of virtual office solutions has been successful in replacing traditional offices, which were physical workspaces and where employees regularly commuted daily. Virtual … Read More

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